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The Nursing Code of Ethics: Its Value, Its History

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To exercise efficiently and impartially, today's nurses must be in place several key elements that guide the profession, such as the approval process for education, a rigorous system of licensing and certification, and relevant code of ethics. American Assembly for nurses and nursing practice through the development and implementation of nationally accepted code for nurses with interpretive statements. This article will discuss morality in society, and professions, nursing, and explain how the code of conduct can guide nursing practice in a variety of settings. We also offer a brief history of the ethics code, discuss the modern law of ethics, describe the importance of periodic review, including a comprehensive and thorough process used to develop the 2015 Act, summary of changes The latter. Finally, article on the implications of the practice nurses to make sure that this document is a dynamic process, useful reference in a variety of health care facilities.

Quote: Epstein, B., Turner, (31 August 2015) "nursing ethics code: value, its history" OJIN: online journal of issues in nursing folder. 20, issue 2, manuscript 4.

DOI: 10.3912/OJIN. Vol20No02Man04

Keywords: ethics, ethics, nursing, a profession

To exercise efficiently and impartially, today's nurses must be in place several key elements that guide the profession knows. Professional nursing as "protect, promote and improve health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals and families And local communities and populations "(ANA, 2010, p. 10). To exercise efficiently and impartially, today's nurses must be in place several key elements that guide the profession, such as the approval process for education, a rigorous system of licensing and certification, code Relevant than morality. The American Nurses Association (ANA) in guiding and supporting nursing practice through the development of policies and procedures. Create a scope and standards of practice of the nursing profession. And implementation of nationally accepted code for nurses with data interpretation (hereinafter code; ANA, 2015b). This article will discuss within society, ethics and the professions, nursing, and explain how the code of conduct, specifically, can guide nursing practice in a variety of settings. We also offer a brief history of the code of ethics, ethics and modern law describes the importance of periodic review, including a comprehensive and thorough process used to develop the 2015 Act, summary of recent changes. Finally, article on the implications of the practice nurses to ensure that the law is a dynamic process, useful reference in a variety of health care facilities.

Ethics in society, occupations, nursing

Ethics and society

An agreement to live rules might be imposed from the outside by laws imposed common morality or domestic leaders. The moral sphere and deals with how we treat each other, how we act, what we should do, and why. We manage the ethical issues everyday as members of society, and their family members, as members of the profession. To live in society, for example, we are obligated not to kill or hurt each other or take from others what is not ours. And not only in our own interest (no killing, for instance) these rules, but they enhance the prosperity of our society. We probably have great difficulty living productive lives if we were constantly worried about our homes looted or our lives are in danger. An agreement to live rules might be imposed from the outside by laws imposed common morality or domestic leaders.

In the 1600s, the British philosopher Thomas Hobbes (1651/1950) suppose that if left only to ourselves, and we will be in a State of constant war, "every man against every man (p 103)."To address this to our survival, notes Hobbs, we require strong leadership and the social contract acceptable to guide behavior (Hobbes, 1651/1950). Several leading contemporary bioethical stresses that as human beings, we realized the need to abide by a common set of ethical rules, common morality, and that allows us to live and prosper Without a permanent concern of destruction (weshildris Beauchamp, 2009; Garrett, 2004). This is not necessarily imposed on us, through strong leadership, but internally are driven by ethical rules. Regardless, our abilities to live peacefully and productively and determine our commitments to each other in our community and across cultures aware of ethics.


For consideration of ethical issues, a certain level of guidance on needs to be in place. Likewise, choosing to pursue a career in nursing, medicine, business, law, or other occupations involves integrating commitments and bounty to smaller "community". These obligations and virtues are added to our already assumed as members of the larger community. For health professionals in particular, Purtilo writes, "citizens in General is not morally required to help the most in need. Hey you. Morally citizens are not required to maintain confidence information they hear about another. Hey you. Morally citizens are not required to be nonjudgmental about other personality. Hey you... "(Purtilo, 2005, p. 11). And professionals, we agree to identify those ethical issues that tend to arise in our chosen profession. For consideration of ethical issues, a certain level of guidance on needs to be in place. For many professions, with a code of conduct. Examples include medical ethics law, the law of social workers of ethics and code of conduct for nurses with data interpretation (AMA, 2014-2015, ANA, 2015b, National Association For social workers [NASW], 2008). The decision guidance documents, practice and development of standards of behaviour expected of every Member of the practice of a particular profession.
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