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SEVEN Power Tips for Great Meetings in Today's Virtual World

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Meetings are not what they used to be. Thanks to the power of the Internet, more often than not, some people in the room, others over the phone or through a virtual online meeting platform.

While virtual meetings of the challenges of multiple functions to lure that derailed because of technical problems, you can still get things done in a well that you can't when you're sitting alone in Your computer. Meetings of the energy of multiple minds on the subject. They force people to think more creatively and are unlikely to do any one mind.

If you are responsible for planning and facilitate virtual meetings, here are some tips that will help you make your meetings more productive.

Tip 1. Don't forget the essential components of a good meeting
Good interviews do not just happen. They are planned. Even when I was on Skype meeting or conference call, apply the basics of good meetings.

Consider if you need to have a meeting in the first place.
Think through the meeting purpose, results, process in advance.
Invite the right people and no one else.
Agenda Special meeting time used for discussion and not reports.
Plan to end the meeting with results and plans for the clear-up.
Reduction of meeting time to no more than 90 minutes.
Start on time (or not all there) and ends a few minutes early.
Tip 2. Virtual Iron requires meetings facilitation
The biggest challenge of virtual meetings is that people can't tell when it's their turn to speak. Even with the video, it's hard to know when it's your turn. It time and time again, people are talking at the same time.

The appointment of a facilitator to serve as a traffic officer, explaining the rules of engagement and invites people when it's their turn. Because people could not see the body signals or interaction between participants, the facilitator in the virtual meeting plays a strong, either make sure that people don't talk over each other, and also make sure that everyone He has a chance to speak.

Tip 3. Special tips of commonality in person/virtual meetings
Many of today's meetings both people at the table and people on the phone or the Internet. Unfortunately, often forgotten phone participants are there in the meeting, people in the room people forget the phone is there at all.

Simple strategies will help the joint meetings.

First, call those who will be present through the phone beforehand to discuss how they will participate. Warn them about background noise and not put a line call on hold. And let them know they will be called to participate.

Secondly, appoint someone in the room to be "bridge."His or her role is to connect people on the phone or online through a PC with all the people in the room, and make sure it gets called and acknowledged throughout the encounter.

Tip 4. Use available technology to the limit, but be prepared for trouble.
If you've been in the virtual meeting, you probably have seen or encountered technical problems. Failed communications, jangling sound, and people can't figure out their systems, shared documents unreadable. This is happening.

Try these simple solutions.

If the first meeting using check scheduling technology platform, 30 minutes or more before the meeting.
Be aware that different people may have different Internet speeds on a large scale. If this is likely, not asking everyone to be on the video. Is not necessary.
Good sound is necessary. Ask people to use landlines instead of microphones their computers, cell phones, or wireless. That alleviates most problems.
Take full advantage of some of the features of your platform. Try real time taking notes and new applications like sticky notes. But undoubtedly trying it out beforehand so you know how to use it easily.
Assign a technical person in advance to resolve any problems that arise during the meeting, so the issues not impede meeting.
Tip 5. Keep their focus and commitment of the participants during the meeting.
One of the biggest challenges facing virtual meetings is that people dismiss. Listen with half an ear while they move through their e-mail. Here are some simple things that you can do to keep people's attention.

Start meeting people asking to remove distractions. Be clear and specific. Could you make up a rule not to multitask.
Do not use more than 10-12 minutes for presentations and encourage people to write their thoughts and comments in the chat box.
Recruit roles. You may have a moderator, facilitator, take notes, and timekeeper.
All cancel mute during the discussion.
Do you have a facilitator both respond to the chat box and invite everyone, not just people who speak.
Tip 6. Shut down the computer and walking meeting plan
Finally, when your group is all together in one place and you can refer to a walk. You'll be amazed and delighted at how much you can get done in a mile. Relaxed, along with a small group walking nature lends itself to creative thinking and open debate in a way few sit down or virtual meetings do.

And gives people so involved actually do walking meetings on their mobile phone or while speed in their offices. Most platforms virtual meetings for her cell phone.

Make meetings in your organization effective and fun
Use these simple tips, you can convert your virtual nonprofit meetings of frustrating and boring to effective and fun! Try a few of these ideas in the next virtual meeting Organization.
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