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The Need for a Feminist Analysis

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There are at least three reasons relevant for
Feminist analysis of legal education. The first is that the legal
Education is the process.25 socializing all law students
Going to law school with a particular set of experiences and philosophies
And prejudices that shaped the individual for
This point. They remain on the Faculty for several years, and
Receive instruction in theoretical and practical, and sometimes
Important issues relating to the law. Any experiences and philosophies
And prejudices that the student may encounter in law
A school for men and women and their own social
The roles will contribute significantly in shaping
A graduate of law, as well as promote or challenge any
Already biases.26 many law students complete second
Bachelor degree in conjunction with studies.
These studies may promote law (or moderate) for
Insights obtained from education.27 is also an important legal s
The vast majority of students in law schools in Australia
Less than 21 years of age.28 these younger students would
Be relatively mundane life experience for
Moderate messages they receive in school law.
To be active within the legal system also clearly
To participate in and influence the social and cultural consequences,
Social and cultural development and pursuit
Or resistance to change social and cultural status quo.
The third reason why feminist analysis of legal education
What is important is that the modern legal education affects the quality
Legal services for women in our society.
It is likely that insufficient legal practitioners
Customer services their women if they were legal
Education, which contains inaccurate messages about women.
Or silent almost on a variety of different women
Experiments in community and the consequent different and variety
Required by law. Simply, is unlikely to be
Able to recognize these issues when encountered in
Legal practice. Australian Law Reform Commission, in
He wrote its report equality before the law, that requests it.
I've received.
Reveal that women are unhappy with the service that
Receipt of many lawyers. They indicate a lack of lawyers
Expertise in current women's problems and types of
Fail to see how it might not be a woman's point of view.
Properly represented in traditional legal thought and
Practicing. ... Legal education has a crucial role in
Training of lawyers who can serve all customers and women as well as
As men.33
Similarly, after legal education lacks precision or
Comprehensive information about women and women's experiences
And are less likely to be adequately represented in requirements
Another legal planning and decision making arenas and accommodations
Graduates of the law, such as parliaments and bureaucracy.34
The corollary is that women's diversity
Unlikely to be of separate legal and social experiments
Significant influence in the development and establishment
Law and our social and cultural norms as social and
The second reason to perform this type of analysis
Flows of social roles at the end of most graduates.29 law
After legal education, law graduates generally
Find jobs at good pay, wielding power
Layers of law graduates society.30 us, of course, prevail.
In the private sector, Government, and legal practice
Courts, but also to occupy a prominent place in the legal Academy,
Commerce and industry and law graduate Parliament.31
The relationship can be identified with wealth and power in the
And the career aspirations of many fathers to their children,
This means, to become lawyers.32 However, my concern is
Not limited to those law graduates who hold more than
The prestigious and influential sites that law
Graduates can aspire. But also, at the other end, for
Law graduates who, in public or private clinic,
Choose to apply their skills to help the disadvantaged in society.
As professional actors in the legal arena, a role largely
Normal individual denied, all law graduates a big exercise
Power in that they are in a position to participate
In, and influence, the results in the law and the legal system, for
Drawing its development, and to pursue or resist change for
The legal status quo. Moreover, if our understanding of the law must be
The main Builder and executor of social and cultural norms,
An agent of social control and cultural, such privileges
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